Scala Functions

Functions are group of statements that perform a task. Scala functions do look a lot like variables. The following code shows how a function can be declared.

A simple example of a function in Scala
def add(a:Int,b:Int):Int=a+b
Within the parenthesis lies the arguments followed by the argument type, after the parenthesis the return type and after the equal to "=" lies the logic of our function. The above code can also be written as below.

def add(a:Int, b:Int):Int={

def sum(a:Int, b:Int):Int={


Points to note
  1. Scala Functions start with a def keyword
  2. Scala permits nested function definitions
  3. Braces {} are optional. For clarity purposes once can enclose multi statement functions in braces.
  4. return statement is optional
  5. A Function that doesn't return any value can return Unit, equivalent to void in other languages.

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