Compiling and Running ONE Simulator under Linux

ONE simulator stands for Opportunistic Network Environment. It is a network simulator developed in Java. In this blog i will show how to compile and run ONE simulator from source in Linux. For this purpose i am using Ubuntu 14.0.4 trusty. Although the steps should be similar in any distribution of Linux, still it is better to know which version of Linux are you using.

So launch the terminal and issue the following command.

$ lsb_release -a

You should have Java Installed on your Machine. Find if java is installed on your computer by firing the following command on your terminal

$ which javac

It should tell you the location where java is installed like the one in the screen-shot

If it doesn't show the path, it either means that you don't have java installed, or java is not in your path.

You can install Java by issuing the following command.

$ sudo apt-get install openjdk7-jre

This will install java.

Now once again issue the command

$which javac

It should tell you the path of the java.

Step2 Download ONE Simulator by issuing the following command

$ wget

 Step 3 Extract the archive. 

$ tar -xvf one_1.4.1.tar.gz 

Change Directory

$cd one_1.4.1

Compile the source by issuing the following command

$ ./compile.bat

If everything goes right, you will have the compiled source.

Step 4 Run the One Simulator 

$ ./ 

The One simulator window should be displayed.


  1. When entered ./compile.bat its telling that command not found
    What to do plz help me with this.

    1. If you are using Linux before executing compile.bat execute chmod a+x compile.bat

  2. After entering sudo apt-get install openjdk7-jre, its askng a password..which password we have to enter? Plz help me

    1. when you enter a command as a sudo, it means you are taking the admin role. If your user is part of the sudoer list, which if you have installed ubuntu on your computer, will be the current user.

      So putting it simply, when it asks for the password, enter the password that you use to login to your computer.


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